Blackjack Strategies

Hit and Stand game is a kind of slot games that require that you make the right move on individual hand. When the cards are given to you, you can choose to hit or split. You can also decide to stand or double as well.

This game is meant to train blackjack player and therefore you are allowed to draw another if you deem it wise to do so. This will help you to decide whether to split or to double. If you make any move that is not permitted, it will be taken to be incorrect. While the reverse will be the case if you make a correct move. It is the rules and strategy page provided by the table that will determine whether your move is correct or not.

The rules differ from casino to casino but there are main categories of rules that many casinos are using. The categories are Las Vegas rules and Atlantic City rules. In this game, any move that is accepted in Atlantic City rules and also Las Vegas rules are all taken as correct.

There are methods of playing this game. There is the easy mode and also the difficult mode. Whichever one you are playing 20 hands will be dealt to you. Besides being more demanding, in the difficult mode you have about 4 seconds to take decision. The percentage of the right moves you make will determine your end score

Bonus Round and odds

During the game, a bonus round will be given to any player that make all the correct moves. This means that the player's final score is 100%. You are allowed to make any number of correct moves you can. But you will only be allowed to that within 1 minute only. Any correct move you make will gain you an extra bonus point.

There is advantage in playing this Hit and Stand blackjack game. It will help you to better your blackjack skill and strategy. This will also in turn brighten your luck so that you will make more money.

There is one fact that you should know, blackjack odds does not favour you but the house. No matter your level or skills in blackjack, the odd does not favour you. Counting card is the only means through which you can turn the odd to your side. Through card counting, you may be winning occasionally. Counting card however, demands that you devout more time to it.

But you have to remember the rule - the more you wager the more the amount you are losing will be increasing.